"Of course, there had to be a good use for them outside of the nasty laundry business."
There can be times of great obsession when it comes to recycling things for art. I'd save a cereal box here and packaging material there. But, hey, haven't we all?
I have to admit, the obsession turned to the Shout Color Catcher right away. Each time one came out of the wash it was set aside. After all, they magically absorb color! Of course, there had to be a good use for them outside of the nasty laundry business.
At first, they were used to mop up extra ink or watercolor. It is a feat they do extremely well. Once those dried, I began to add them to art journal pages. Below is an example of Shout Color Catcher Art.
Maybe, this will encourage you to join the tribe of obsessed recyclers who turn the everyday into art.
Shout Color Catcher Turned Into Art
Reviewed by Beth Henry Art
11:10 AM

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